Invocation of the Sun King
By the Sun that burneth birght! O' Great One! We call thy name into the Light! O' Brilliant One thee we invoke by sun kissed shore By arid deserts and lightened moors. Thee we invoke where gather thine own In groves once sacred, forgotten, alone Come where your praises are whispered and sang! Your altars are dressed from stones to stang! By the sunlit meadows and the rounded green hills Where the crops are bursting and the gardens filled come to the charm of the chanted prayer As the sun warms the blustering air Evoke thy powers, that potent bide In glistening lakes and Ocean Tides From fiery flames of sunlite heat In the brilliant balefire, O'er which we leaped Come! O' come! The drum beats rung Come to us who gather below As the disk through the sky rides but slow As the willows sway and the birds sing sweet We dance they round, glistening in the heat. We speak they spell, chant thy prayer From Sabbet to Sabbet ! For...