Welcome and Introductions

Welcome to Spirituality & Sorcery, the blog of my journey in spirituality and craft, through magick and mysticism.

As this is my first post I should introduce myself, and give you a bit of background, before you wonder who this strange person is and why should I care, what they have to say.   The answer is!  I am a very strange person, happily so!  We each touch another life, to further our own growth.  So it is no coincidence you are here.  Let us learn from one another, and in the sharing touch the lives of those around us.

First, in relation to "the Craft" and Spirituality.  I have been a practicing witch for over eighteen years.   I hold college degrees in Humanities and Philosophy (among others), with a minor in Mythology.  I have worked with Asatru for several years, when I was younger, and am degreed in the Jolian (Celtic/ Eclectic/ 1734) Tradition and in the Draconian (Welsh Celtic / Wysardan) Tradition.  In two thousand one, we branched from our parent Draconian Tradition and became Co-Founder and High Priestess of The Circle of the Dragon's Crystal Unfolding Path.  At Yule of two thousand ten, I joined a wonderful meetup group Downtown Circle of the Sublime Elm, and have been honored to assist as co- Organizer.   Whew that's enough to make your head spin!  Eighteen years!  Gods I feel old now.

What does all of that mean?  It means, that I have been exceedingly honored to have spent a large portion of my adulthood on floors in metaphysical bookstore,  on cold concrete steps, huddled  in a booth on a late night at Denny's and at the knee's of many gifted, and wise members of our Pagan Community.  For all of those times, I have rich memories, gifts more precious than silver and gold.  I thank you each one!

As I said, there is no coincidence, we are each drawn to one another, as mentors, students, catalysts, and examples, so that we each might learn and grow, radiating the beauty of the divine from within.  I can see the eye rolls now, Oh gods, a fluffy bunny!  Absolutely Not!!!  I banished bunnies aeon's ago!  While I feel that we all radiate our lights, and seek to grow and learn from one another, I also understand that light can not exist without the dark.  In order to truly experience personal transformation, one must not only acknowledge that they have both light and dark sides, but understand them as well as control them.  Control does not mean repress.  Repression can lead to no end of psychological issues within and individual.  However, I will save that talk for another time.  Back to the light and growth! Tangent's be damned. 

As we move into the light part of our year, even though winter's grasp is still tightly wrapped around us, we see already the promise of Spring.  It is more significant, father south, here in Orlando, Florida.  We can begin already to plan our spring plantings, with renewed excitement.  So here is my query to you. What will you plant this year?  What gentle seed will you plant in the rich soil of your soul, to tend and water.  What harvest will you look to?  Have you planned your planting already.  If you have not thought about it, I encourage you to do so.  Feel free to share it here with us!  Let us begin this journey together!



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