Sex Positivity and Paganism
Recently on Facebook I was reading a discussion from Galina
Krasskova, regarding an article written by Annika Mongan, “Sex and the Parliament
of the World’s Religions”. The article and ensuring discussion gave me pause to
think on some concepts and issues which had already been boiling around in my
brain for the last few months.
Most of the time when I have heard the sex positive
statements, there has been a momentary eye roll from me ‘Gods, here we go again’
thought and then moving on with the discussion.
Invariably most of those discussion have centered on how free some pagan
feel to express “sex”uality (wink, wink) and what fun!
You would find me solidly in agreement with Galina! “I really dislike the excessive focus on sex
in so many of the contemporary pagan religions.” LOL. I mean t goes beyond the celebration of the embodiment. I don’t want to know what your gender is, who
you’re fucking, who you want to fuck or how much you like to fuck, or anything
else. I want to know what Gods you
venerate. I want to know about your
ancestors. Tell me their stories. I want to know what your favorite offerings
are to pour out at your shrines. I want
to know what you do for religion. I want to know what your Gods expect in your
ritual praxis. Everything is else is
largely irrelevant from where I stand.
Fun, I grant you *G*, but irrelevant.
I suppose it’s good that we have theologies that venerate
the physical- it is a much needed curative to the abuses of monotheism but I
think we take it a bit too far sometimes.”
Normally you would get a ‘Here! Here!’ from me.
For the most part, as I had said most discussion wen the way of enjoying
sex. Yet there is truly more to sex and
sex positivity then just that, or at least there should be.
Most will argue sex really does not have a place in religion. It is about you and your walk with the Gods,
Divine, Great Bran Muffin, whatever you wish to call the creative forces of the
Universe. While I might agree, largely that’s
true, it really is not. It is about more than your walk with the Divine, it is
about your relationship with yourself.
You are a spiritual being, ”force” manifested in physical “form” to
experience “form” and learn. (Force, being synonymous with spirit for this
definition). As a spiritual being all of
you as well as your relationship with the Creative Forces of the Universe are
part of your classroom, homework, growth, test and understanding. Yes,
ALL of you!
As a being of “Force” in physical “Form” my spirituality is
the key to my growth. For years, this
has pervaded my “Craft”, my studies, my walk with my Gods. As I have grown each year my spirituality
finds new nooks and crannies of my life that it has not yet saturated, so that
it may resonate fully from me. Every
time it finds a new one, I am surprised there was still something left that it
had not worked its way into. This year’s
lessons, were about sex.
Not sex in the find a friend and let’s get down sense. Sex in the foundations of my own thoughts,
emotions, perceptions of myself and my relationship with others. Finally
sexuality as the healer. We all have “baggage”, “damage”, “walls” that
we move through life with, accumulated from our various experiences and
perceptions of experience. For those of
us really pushing our boundaries in our spirituality, both with ourselves and
our Gods, we realize, these things MUST resolve if we are to move on and grow
spiritually. As a witch, the majority of
my work is transformative. Creating the reality and “me” that I will. As important as my walk with my Gods is, this
work also helps bring me closer in tune with them and myself. Most of our baggage, damage and walls sing
the same songs of insecurities; rejection, self-worth, body image, separateness,
acceptance, failure…….over and over they sing, magickally building strong
blocks within each one of us. Strong,
tall and true. Until we reach a point
where we are so far removed from each other, The Gods and ourselves, we are overwhelmed
and drowning.
The strong swim and the weak drown. It is true.
We each have it within ourselves to swim and remove these blocks that
keep us from what we really want and need!
Spirituality is the key to this.
I don’t care what your path is, just start walking it!
So what does this have to do with sex positivity and Paganism?
Many of the blocks stem from our
foundation. Remember Maslow’s hierarchy
of needs from school? People will put
themselves in danger to fulfill foundational needs, including sex! That should hopefully sink in, how important
sex is to you as a human being. It is also that important as a spiritual being.
I am not talking about the act of sex, but sexuality in and of itself.
Remember those insecurities?
They stem from relationships. Be
they relationships with family, friends, perspective, past or current sexual
partners. They are created by our
perceptions of these things. We are our
own worst enemies and we hurt ourselves far more than anyone person ever
could. Patriarchy, however, really
nailed the coffin lid closed on all of this. The damage is not just to women, our
men suffer just as much.
Think about this, how acceptable is it for a woman to
express her sexuality openly? Whether it
is to appreciate her current partner or ability to be happily independent of
emotional or physical ties or to appreciate an active sex life with multiple
partners if that is her wish? While some
might be envious of her openness and wish they could do the same, outwardly the
shaming would be obvious. Words like ‘slut’,
‘whore’, ‘amoral’, ‘easy’ is she is open in her appreciation and enjoyment of
that aspect of her life. If she is happily without attachment or in her own independence
you would see words like ‘cold’, ‘shrew’, even ‘spinster’ is still used
today. Men suffer as well from the
censure, you hear things like ‘he can’t keep it in his pants’, ‘womanizer’, or
happy in his own independence “stuck on himself”. There are hundreds of other words and statements
that can be used.
Yet this shaming is not truly about the person being shamed,
they are the mirror for the shamer. Our
words are damaging though, and even though they are a reflection of our
realities, they hurt others just the same. They can easily sing the song creating all of
those emotional blocks. It takes a very
strong and self-aware person to understand these statements for what they are. Most of the time, understanding comes from
years of being subjected to indoctrination and censure. It begins with childhood.
American culture (as a general statement) is very
uncomfortable with sexuality. Much of this stems from our puritanical roots. However, you would think after 400 years of
migratory influx, we would have loosened up a bit, Not really. We are uncomfortable around nudity. Most likely this stems back to vulnerability
and all of those walls and emotional blocks.
We are uncomfortable with the public appreciation of sexuality, whether
is it appreciating a person, situation or circumstance. We cover our discomfort with slang and derogatory
remarks. Even when we engage in
discussion (yes talking to the girls over the water cooler at work), we either
play down our appreciation or we over emphasize it. Very seldom do we acknowledge it as a healthy
and necessary part of our life.
Procreation is a DRIVE! There is
no getting away from it. You can repress
all you like, it will come spilling out elsewhere, where you have no control.
So back to sex and spirituality. If you are a spiritual being, it should
resonate in all aspects of your life. Including, yes, in your sexuality. I really see the world beginning, just
beginning to wake up to this. Why are we waking up now? And what does that entail?
We are waking up now, because we are moving from a patriarchal
society into the balance of the Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine. Mating, marriage and procreation through the
last several thousand years has been controlled, arranged and cold. It is only
in the last one hundred fifty years, that the idea of marriage for love have
taken hold. As we have moved slowly into
that thought pattern we have gradually as a culture began to grow. Marriages, mating and relationships have taken
radical changes in the last fifty years.
As have our definitions of them, thankfully! Today family structures are by choice; they
range from heterosexual to homosexual unions, from single parent families to
polyamorous and tribe or communal families.
In other words we are redefining relationships based on our needs and
desires! This is a slow process and not without its problems, but it is moving
So what does this waking up entail? As we redefine relationships to fit our needs
and desires we are also really just beginning to admit to ourselves what our
sexuality means to our lives and growth.
For many, this started in a compartmentalized place of desire and
enjoyment. Sex for fun and pleasure. You don’t have to go far on a dating site to
find guys or girls, just looking for casual sex. As if that will fill what we
really need! It will a small part of it,
but not all of it. Not by a long shot.
As we wake up, we are becoming more aware of what melding
our spirituality and sexuality can bring into our lives. For many it helps break down the last of those
wall’s and reveals the emotional baggage that you still had not looked at. Tantra, is the oldest form of this type of
expression. However, new modalities are
being developed today for achieving the same integration. What Tantra and the new modalities are doing
is taking you out of your head (mental body) and putting you solidly into your
physical body, in the moment and nowhere else.
It forces you to FEEL! You think,
well of course I feel silly. Do you
really pay attention to it? I mean
REALLY pay attention. Do not think about
the past, don’t worry about the future.
Simply be in that moment, and allow another human being to touch
you. ( I didn’t say have sex- I said
Touch is HUGE! Sure
folks touch me all the time, they hug me, kiss me, shake my hand, so what. To truly let someone touch you, is to be vulnerable,
accepting and appreciating all at the same time. To know that another human “sees” you. Most
people are uncomfortable with being touched.
Even sex today, require little touching.
The average is around seven and a half minutes, then you’re done and
perhaps on your way to sleep. How much
real touching do you think was achieved there?
Until you have tried one of these forms of expression
(tantra or the new modalities), there are really no words to describe it. Let me try one though. HEALING. Remember all
those blocks and insecurities. Suddenly and gently, they are revealed. As you work with and through touch you find
some very profound healing. From there,
unification. Not just with another
person, but with yourself and carrying it forward with the Divine.
Yes there are modalities, such as tantra and many other new ones
that can meld that aspect of your spiritual body, with your physical body and
unify yourself at a core level with the divine.
In doing this, it will shift your paradigms.
Many western esoteric traditions teach you to remove
yourself mentally and emotionally from situations to rise above and watch with
objectivity, so that you are not touched by any situation.
There is merit in this, my experience (I can only speak for myself) is proving much different. Integration and unification of all of me into anything, be it a person, situation etc. Rather than divorce myself from my emotional, mental and physical body I reveal in them unified and find more power there, than ever have divorced. I do believe we need to have a pure understanding of all of them, individually. We need to be able to see objectively and appreciate the reality of situations and persons as well as their projections on us and our projections on them. Ultimately we are all here to learn. Our bodies are our vehicles and our classrooms. We learn through and with them, ALL of them!
There is merit in this, my experience (I can only speak for myself) is proving much different. Integration and unification of all of me into anything, be it a person, situation etc. Rather than divorce myself from my emotional, mental and physical body I reveal in them unified and find more power there, than ever have divorced. I do believe we need to have a pure understanding of all of them, individually. We need to be able to see objectively and appreciate the reality of situations and persons as well as their projections on us and our projections on them. Ultimately we are all here to learn. Our bodies are our vehicles and our classrooms. We learn through and with them, ALL of them!
For myself, I find sex positivity necessary in
paganism. If it is taught from
childhood, we can alleviate some of the blocks that develop through
growth. Many of the ones relating to sex
can be very damaging. If we work to heal
our relationships, with both women and men, who have suffered greatly under patriarchy,
as well as ourselves, we can work to integrate all of our bodies and
experiences and GROW SPIRITUALY! That is
the point right!
Touch does not have to be sexual, it should always be
spiritual. So be vulnerable, break down
your walls, touch each other and HEAL!
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